Our factory
Helsinki Wool Sock Factory is mostly a mobile device and computer free zone. We like to chat and listen to the radio.
Helsinki Wool Sock Factory is mostly a mobile device and computer free zone. We like to chat and listen to the radio.
Ada seaming single wool socks. For seaming we use strengthened thread, and each seam is checked by hand.
Ada seaming single wool socks. For seaming we use strengthened thread, and each seam is checked by hand.
Svetlana Ahjoniemi
Wool sock master Svetlana shoetrees seamed and washed socks. In shoetreeing phase possible threads will be removed and the sock will be shaped to its final form.
Our loyal Komet Knitters at work. Original shaft-driven machines were manufactured in 1920’s, and electric motors were retrofitted already in 1950’s.
Our loyal Komet Knitters at work. Original shaft-driven machines were manufactured in 1920’s, and electric motors were retrofitted already in 1950’s.
Woolen Wool yarn thread balls of 4 kilos waiting for knitting. The wool yarn thread is mixed and spinned according to the decades old recipe.thread balls of 4 kilos waiting for knitting. The woolen yarn thread willl be spinned according to the decades old spinning recipe.
Wool yarn thread balls of 4 kilos waiting for knitting. The wool yarn thread is mixed and spinned according to the decades old recipe.
Jukka Heimala
Engineer Jukka in the machine room. Thanks to intense daily care and maintenance, our old machines are serving us faithfully.
Depending on the size of the knitting frame, there’s 48, 52 or 56 needles in each. Our exact eared woolsock master will change broken needles into new ones if necessary.
Depending on the size of the knitting frame, there’s 48, 52 or 56 needles in each. Our exact eared woolsock master will change broken needles into new ones if necessary.
Images: Mikael Kaplar, Jaakko Kilpiäinen